Sunday, August 9, 2009

Waimate Centennial School Library

Welcome to Week 5. The weather during the last week has meant that most of you are enjoying being outside and on the grass!
Remember there are loads of awesome books in our library for you to read when you come inside.

We have a great selection of new books in the library this week.
We have got 2 big books to add to our collection. There is a good one called 'Dad's Snore'!

We have also got another Magic School Bus adventure. These are always popular.

The non-fiction books this week include a lovely illustrated version of 'The Owl and The Pussycat' and two 'Can You See What I see? books.
We also have a book that outlines the great work that the Department of Conservation does throughout New Zealand. This will interest everyone who is looking at the native plants and animals of New Zealand as part of out inquiry learning this term.

Remember the library is your library, be a part of it.

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